Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happily ever after...

Well... here we are! Daniel and I been happily married for THREE whole months and thought we would enter the blogging world together. Our wedding day was everything we dreamed it would be, in fast-forward! We are so grateful for all of our friends and family who came together to support us. We now live together in a tiny one bedroom apartment with our two wild dogs (part shih tzu, part chihuahua, but we call them shit-wa's) who have very sharp nails and are not afraid to use them. Daniel and I have already mastered the art of sharing a bathroom, TV, and laptop (it's MINE).

Ok, so maybe we could still use a little work, but it's amazing to me how quickly we adjusted to living together. Dan is sooo good to me too. He makes me coffee every morning, takes out the garbage every day, cooks me lunch so I can eat at home, AND he opens the mail. Who even does that?! He is quite honestly my best friend, and he's proven time and time again that he was made for me. We think alike, we almost always match (so what if I do it on purpose), and we can read each other like an eBook (because who reads real books anymore). He makes me feel beautiful inside and out, which is quite a miraculous feat. Ok, enough bragging about my awesome, hot, and hilarious husband!

We are really looking forward to growing our family one day (beyond non-humanoid members), but for now we're staying focused on our career and educational goals. We both graduated with degrees in Digital Technology and Culture from WSU Tri-Cities (Dan in Dec. '09 and me in Dec. '10), which is how we met. Daniel is currently trying to get into the Masters in Teaching program at WSU so that he can become a technology teacher (which I love, since he tried to teach me how to use a technical program the first time he ever talked to me, but I was too prideful to let him help). I'm part-way through a Masters Certificate in Government Contracting, but hunting for the perfect school to do the whole shebang and get a complete Masters degree. I'm fortunate enough to have a job that will pay for me to go to school, but unfortunate enough to live in an economy that is making it difficult for me to climb the ladder! I found it quite comical that my salary was frozen just two weeks after I earned my Bachelors, but I'm honestly so grateful for what I do have, as I realize there are billions of people out there who have far less.

I'm officially boring the hubs, and officially craving ice-cream, so that's a wrap!

-- Shannon